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    Early Childhood

    Fundamental skills and whole child development

    At YCIS, our early childhood programme immerses students in a supportive, bilingual learning environment where our highly qualified teachers work with parents to nurture confident, caring, and curious young learners. The focus in these early years is on whole-child development and the personal and social values that will support students for life.

    • Philosophy and Objectives

      At YCIS, our bilingually focused, research-based, and holistic approach to education helps students build a strong foundation and a range of skills from an early age. In our Early Childhood Education programme, our students view themselves as competent learners who know they are valued. As part of our philosophy, we encourage the active involvement of families on campus and in our school community.


    Co-teaching facilitates a bilingual learning environment in which both Chinese and English are equally valued. ECE Co-Teachers provide an environment where children interact naturally, feel comfortable about their own identities, and begin to move easily between cultures.


    Two Co-Principals, one Western and one Chinese, work together to provide ECE leadership and oversee the implementation of the Early Childhood Education at their campuses. The successful cross-cultural collaboration of our Co-Principals serves as a model for Co-Teachers, students, and the greater YCIS community alike.